miércoles, 7 de diciembre de 2011

Review : The Lake District National Park

It's a beatiful place, where you can get relaxed. I've been there for two weeks and it was enough to discover all the amazing landsacapes. I enjoyed very much the time I spent there. When I arrived, the first thing I did was to eat something because I was very hungry. Later I looked for a guided trip to admire the wonderful landscapes. There are cliffs if you want to jump; I did it, it's awesome.
This trip was very relaxing because I forgot all my problems, it really changed my life. There were an exeptional view from the mountains. Also you can be a little stressed but generaly you are OK.
I'm only going to say you that you must visit this amazing and intresting place plenty of nature.

domingo, 4 de diciembre de 2011

EM with causes date how many people die consequences and geological information

The 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake was an undersea megathrust earthquake that occurred at 00:58:53 UTC on Sunday, December 26, 2004, with an epicentre off the west coast of Sumatra, Indonesia. The quake itself is known by the scientific community as the Sumatra-Andaman earthquake.[3][4] The resulting tsunami is given various names, including the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, South Asian Tsunami, Indonesian Tsunami, and Boxing Day Tsunami.
The earthquake was caused by subduction and triggered a series of devastating tsunamis along the coasts of most landmasses bordering the Indian Ocean, killing over 230,000 people in fourteen countries, and inundating coastal communities with waves up to 30 meters (98 ft) high.[5] It was one of the deadliest natural disasters in recorded history. Indonesia was the hardest hit, followed by Sri Lanka, India, and Thailand.
With a magnitude of between 9.1 and 9.3, it is the third largest earthquake ever recorded on a seismograph. This earthquake had the longest duration of faulting ever observed, between 8.3 and 10 minutes. It caused the entire planet to vibrate as much as 1 centimetre (0.4 inches)[6] and triggered other earthquakes as far away as Alaska.[7] Its epicentre was between Simeulue and mainland Indonesia.[8]
The plight of the many affected people and countries prompted a worldwide humanitarian response. In all, the worldwide community donated more than $14 billion (2004 U.S. dollars) in humanitarian aid.[9]

Article: Rio de Janeiro

How would you feel about it? I will tell you how I lived my holidays in Rio de Janeiro. I will also tell you how people see the city.
I went to Rio last summerwith my cousins and my grandma. There I learn new cultures, and some words in Portuguese. What I saw was a beautiful country but I also found some problems like the favellas and the crime.
In my opinion, favellas are a problem but not such big as people think. They are the place where poor people found an opportunity of having a better life. At the beggining of this paragraph I mention that favellas are a problem. This is because near favellas, there is more crime. Fortunately I visited favellas and did not suffer any crime but if that had happened to me I would have been sacared and never gone back to that place.
I think that Rio de Janeiro is a beautiful city and I would go back because I had really a good time. The people are amazing and in my mind there will be many good memories from that trip.
In conclusion, many people say that Rio de Janeiro has many problems but every place has them. Rio de Janeiro is beautiful in many ways.

Trabajo Practico Hielos Continentales

Desde el punto de vista de la biología, el agua es un elemento crítico para la proliferación de la vida. El agua desempeña este papel permitiendo a los compuestos orgánicos diversas reacciones que, en último término, posibilitan la replicación de ADN. De un modo u otro[ todas las formas de vida conocidas dependen del agua. Sus propiedades la convierten en un activo agente, esencial en muchos de los procesos metabólicos que los seres vivos realizan. Desde esta perspectiva metabólica, podemos distinguir dos tipos de funciones del agua: anabólicamente, la extracción de agua de moléculas —mediante reacciones químicas enzimáticas que consumen energía— permite el crecimiento de moléculas mayores, como los triglicéridos o las proteínas; en cuanto al catabolismo, el agua actúa como un disolvente de los enlaces entre átomos, reduciendo el tamaño de las moléculas (como glucosas, ácidos grasos y aminoácidos), suministrando energía en el proceso.    El agua es por tanto un medio irremplazable a nivel molecular para numerosos organismos vivos. Estos procesos metabólicos no podrían realizarse en un entorno sin agua, por lo que algunos científicos se han planteado la hipótesis de qué tipo de mecanismos —absorción de gas, asimilación de minerales— podrían mantener la vida sobre el planeta.
   Es un compuesto esencial para la fotosíntesis y la respiración. Las células fotosintéticas utilizan la energía del sol para dividir el oxígeno y el hidrógeno presentes en la molécula de agua. El hidrógeno es combinado entonces con CO2 (absorbido del aire o del agua) para formar glucosa, liberando oxígeno en el proceso.           Todas las células vivas utilizan algún tipo de "combustible" en el proceso de oxidación del hidrógeno y carbono para capturar la energía solar y procesar el agua y el CO2. Este proceso se denomina respiración celular.
   El agua es también el eje de las funciones enzimáticas y la neutralidad respecto a ácidos y bases. Un ácido, un "donante" de ion de hidrógeno (H+, es decir, de un protón) puede ser neutralizado por una base, un "receptor" de protones, como un ion hidróxido (OH-) para formar agua. El agua se considera neutra, con un pH de 7. Los ácidos tienen valores pH por debajo de 7, mientras que las bases rebasan ese valor. El ácido gástrico (HCl), por ejemplo, es el que posibilita la digestión. Sin embargo, su efecto corrosivo sobre las paredes del esófago puede ser neutralizado gracias a una base como el hidróxido de aluminio, causando una reacción en la que se producen moléculas de agua y cloruro de sal de aluminio. La bioquímica humana relacionada con enzimas funciona de manera ideal alrededor de un valor pH biológicamente neutro de alrededor de 7.4.
   Las diversas funciones que un organismo puede realizar —según su complejidad celular— determinan que la cantidad de agua varíe de un organismo a otro. Una célula de Escherichia coli contiene alrededor de un 70% de agua, un cuerpo humano entre un 60% y 70%, una planta puede reunir hasta un 90% de agua, y el porcentaje de agua de una medusa adulta oscila entre un 94% y un 98%.

Las propiedades del agua

§  El agua es insípida e inodora en condiciones normales de presión y temperatura. El color del agua varía según su estado: como líquido, puede parecer incolora en pequeñas cantidades, aunque en el espectrógrafo se prueba que tiene un ligero tono azul verdoso. El hielo también tiende al azul y en estado gaseoso (vapor de agua) es incolora.
§  El agua bloquea sólo ligeramente la radiación solar UV fuerte, permitiendo que las plantas acuáticas absorban su energía.
§  Ya que el oxígeno tiene una electronegatividad superior a la del hidrógeno, el agua es una molécula polar. El oxígeno tiene una ligera carga negativa, mientras que los átomos de hidrógenos tienen una carga ligeramente positiva del que resulta un fuerte momento dipolar eléctrico. La interacción entre los diferentes dipolos eléctricos de una molécula causa una atracción en red que explica el elevado índice de tensión superficial del agua.
§  La fuerza de interacción de la tensión superficial del agua es la fuerza de van der Waals entre moléculas de agua. La aparente elasticidad causada por la tensión superficial explica la formación de ondas capilares. A presión constante, el índice de tensión superficial del agua disminuye al aumentar su temperatura. También tiene un alto valor adhesivo gracias a su naturaleza polar.
§  La capilaridad se refiere a la tendencia del agua de moverse por un tubo estrecho en contra de la fuerza de la gravedad. Esta propiedad es aprovechada por todas las plantas vasculares, como los árboles.
§  Otra fuerza muy importante que refuerza la unión entre moléculas de agua es el enlace por puente de hidrógeno.
§  El punto de ebullición del agua (y de cualquier otro líquido) está directamente relacionado con la presión atmosférica. Por ejemplo, en la cima del Everest, el agua hierve a unos 68º C, mientras que al nivel del mar este valor sube hasta 100º. Del mismo modo, el agua cercana a fuentes geotérmicas puede alcanzar temperaturas de cientos de grados centígrados y seguir siendo líquida. Su temperatura crítica es de 373,85 °C (647,14 K), su valor específico de fusión es de 0,334 kJ/g y su índice específico de vaporización es de 2,23kJ/g.
§  El agua es un disolvente muy potente, al que se ha catalogado como el disolvente universal, y afecta a muchos tipos de sustancias distintas. Las sustancias que se mezclan y se disuelven bien en agua —como las sales, azúcares, ácidos, álcalis, y algunos gases (como el oxígeno o el dióxido de carbono, mediante carbonación)— son llamadas hidrófilas, mientras que las que no combinan bien con el agua —como lípidos y grasas— se denominan sustancias hidrofóbicas. Todos los componentes principales de las células de proteínas, ADN y polisacáridos se disuelven en agua. Puede formar un azeótropo con muchos otros disolventes.
§  El agua es miscible con muchos líquidos, como el etanol, y en cualquier proporción, formando un líquido homogéneo. Por otra parte, los aceites son inmiscibles con el agua, y forman capas de variable densidad sobre la superficie del agua. Como cualquier gas, el vapor de agua es miscible completamente con el aire.
§  El agua pura tiene una conductividad eléctrica relativamente baja, pero ese valor se incrementa significativamente con la disolución de una pequeña cantidad de material iónico, como el cloruro de sodio.

The great Gatsby

When I woke up the next morning I was feeling a little bit dizzy. I went to the kitchen, but I appeared in the living, and it wasn't the one that I remembered; later I went to the bathroom to wash my face, but I appeared in a room, a giant room. I was really confused. My house was different now, I didn't recognize any room and it was big, no, it was enormous. I have tried to find a coherent answer for that strange episode, and suddenly, an old woman wearing a white uniform took my hand.
_What are you doing awake at this hour? You should be sleeping now._She told me.
_Who are you? Where am I? What is happening?_ I cried.
The woman looked at me as if I was crazy, so I tried to tell her my situation, and when I did, I saw my hands. They were wrinkled. My first reaction for this was looking at me in the mirror that was next to the wall. And what happened next, was the worst sensation of my life: I was old, and I didn't remember anything of my life but those moments that I had spent with Gatsby.
The fact of looking me in that old body, affected me. I spent the rest of that day sitted on a chair in front of a mirror, looking to my eyes and trying to understand what was happening. I must have passed hours like that, when I felt a hand, a soft hand on my shoulder. A voice was talking to me, but I didn't understand a word. I was still concentrated on my reflection.
_ I think that the best we can do, is going to sleep. Tomorrow I will arrange a meeting and talk with him, but he is shocked at this moment_ I heard the voice saying.
A nurse took me and drove me to the same room in which I woke up this morning. I have spent at least 4 hours looking at the seiling until I got asleep. But it wasn't a good night for me.
In the morning of the next day, I woke up and there was a 30 aged man looking at me. He was sat next to the door and he was taking down notes in a kind of agenda.
_Oh! You are awake! Do you know who I am?_ He asked me.
As I didn't answer he kept on talking:
_I'm  Dr. Gregory, the psycotherapist. I'm going to help you with this problem._ He explained.
_The only problem that I have is that 2 days ago I was in my house near Gatsby's house crying for his life and now I'm somewhere with strange people and nobody explains nothing to me. I'm old and I don't remember more or less 50 years of my life!
_Mmm...nothing new_ He whispered_Let me tell you something dear Nick, you have lost the memory and the only thing that is printed in your mind are those days in your life.
This happened you every week. You wake up and you don't remember anything, you think that yesterday was the day in which Gatsby was killed, but that happened 30 years ago...Now you are in a geriatric, a woman called Jordan Baker, told us to take care of you and them she left and never came back. She left you here.
The words of the doctor puzzled me. 30 years since the murder of Gatsby! Wow...it is incredible.
_Please leave me alone_ I asked to Dr. Gregory_ I need to think about what you have told me.
_Of course, and if you need something, call me. I will be there next door, in my office.
When the doctor left my room, I didn't doubt it. A nurse had left me my breakfast in in the table. It included coffee, pancakes and caramel. What you ned to spread the caramel in the pancake is a knife. I went dirctly to the table, I took the knife, and left this ugly world.

Soliloqui: what does the future hold for us?

I don't have a single idea of what carreer to follow. I know that what I hate the most is history, so nothing related with that subject will be the correct one for me. I like finding the logical meaning to things, so at school I'll follow natural science because of maths, biology and physic...But what then? Madicine? Being a teacher? This is not an idea that leaves me calm, it will be something for the rest of my life! I can't choose whatever simple option it appears, as incredible as it seems, I have to think about it before.
An option that seems to be incredible and exciting is following accountancy, but there is a little detail the worries me, and it's that there are subjects like philosophy or others that have nothing to do. What is the sense of learning how to paint when you want to learn how to operate a person? It's the same as now, I have art and gym, and what for? I don't need them! They are unnecesary and horrible subjects!
I want something unusual, energic and wonderful to study, and it is important for me to hava a great income because I want shoes!
Well, I have 4 long years to think, but I'm nervous and extremely anxious because I'm impatient and I want to know it now!

Instalacion artistica

Una instalación artística es un genero de arte contemporáneo que comenzo a tomar un fuerte impulso a partir de la década de 1970. LAs instalaciones incorporan cualquier medio para crear una experiencia visceral o conceptual en un ambiente determinado.

Marcel Duchamp y el uso de objetos cotidianos resignificados como obra artística. Duchamp fue el creador de la expresión READY-MADE en 1913, que consiste en transformar objetos de uso cotidiano en obras de arte.