lunes, 28 de noviembre de 2011

Derechos del Niño

Definitios Essay: Friendship

According to the dictionary,"friendship"is the feeling and behaviour thatexist between friends.I have to say that I disagree with this meaning because it is so cold and tactless.
 Friendship is not just a feeling or a behaviour, it's much more than that. I know that is simply a word but it simbolizes the union of people who share everything: moments -good or bad ones-, secrets, jokes, advices, etc. that despite problems, fights or misunderstandings, stay together sharing every detail of their lives.
 I usually listen to people saying: "I have many friends", but... do they really have them? I think not. A friend is somebody who knows you better than yourself; Somebody that knows you a lot, as to know what you are thinking.
 In friendship there are no exceptions: you have real friends or not. As simply as that. How to recognise them?
If they are happy when good things happen to you, whe they listen not only what you say but what you don't, they are your real friends. .That is a real friend, and with him/her, you have a real friendship, as long as you respect the deals I've mentioned before.
In conclusion, friendship is not only the condition of sharing a friendly relationship, it is impossible to explain in less than ten words this feeling.

lunes, 14 de noviembre de 2011

Escuela Nº 53 de Burzaco

El día 19 de septiembre visitamos la escuela Nº 53 de Burzaco donde conversamos con los chicos de 4º grado sobre los derechos del niño a travez de obras con una enseñanza sobrelos derechos como "derecho al juego"que los niños no conocían ninguno de los derechos que les mostramos. Lo que mas me sorprendió fue que un chico dibujo a un hombre con un arma en la mano como si fuera algo normal.

miércoles, 2 de noviembre de 2011


la muerte es parte de la vida, es inevitable pero a pesar de eso la gente sigue tratando de vivir lo mas que pueda, pero aun así la muerte les llega a todos. viejos, bebes, adolescentes y adultos. En resumen la muerte no se puede prevenir ni evitar